Sebuah kamar yang tidak terlalu besar untuk dihuni ,kasur empuk lengkap dengan dua bantal persegi ,satu bantal guling dan selimut tebalnya ,aromanya harum ,persis seperti aroma si empunya .ada sebuah rak buku tinggi diujungnya ,berisikan tumpukan buku kedokteran dan beberapa barang sehari2 ,tertata rapi dan berstruktur .alas kasurnya ,gabus bergambar angka2 dengan warna2 menarik bak alas lantai di sekolah Taman Kanak-kanak ,tapi karpet coklat diatasnya ,lembut dan hangat .
Di sebelah kanan kasurnya berdiri lemari kecil tempat si empunya menaruh pakaiannya ,dan cermin yg menempel di lemari itu berhiaskan fotonya bersama seseorang .dipojok bawah ,meja memanjang tempat ia belajar dan melakukan rutinitas dengan internetnya juga tempat beberapa kabel listrik .
AC kamar yang di set-nya ke 18 derajat celcius dengan pengharum ruangan di setiap fan-nya menambah aroma khas ruangan itu ,rasanya kamar itu begitu lekat di pikiranku ,masih terasa setiap suditnya dan apa saja yang ada disana ..
Pertama kali berbaring disebelahnya ,rasanya gugup ,dia adalah seseorang yang membuatku jatuh cinta ,sekarang ia terlelap disebelahku ,gugup dan senang bercampur aduk .matanya yang terpejam lelah dan jari2nya yang menempel di dadanya menginginkanku untuk melihatnya ,memperhatikannya ,dikala ia tidak menyadarinya .
Begitulah pikirku ,wajahnya dengan rambut2 tipis disekitar dagu dan kumisnya itu membuatku semakin merindukan sosoknya ..
Begitu tenang dalam beberapa menit menatapnya .seperti berada dalam sebuah keredaman emosi ,tersenyum kemudian mencium lembut ujung bibirnya seolah takut jika aku akan membangunkan tidurnya .
Begitu teramat mencintainya adalah sebuah ketakutan untuk suatu hari jika tidak bisa lagi melihat wajahnya ketika tidur ..
Yoshi ,tanpa kamu sadari atau tanpa kita sadari sekalipun ,kamu melengkapi bagian kurangku ,kerasku yang selalu kamu redam dengan kearifanmu ,kebijaksanaanmu yang mengalahkan amarahku ,kelembutanmu yang menyadarkan keegoisanku ,dan caramu mencintaiku yang membuat aku selalu tahu ,bahwa sesungguhnya ,kamu memang sangat dewasa dalam banyak hal :)
Aku bahagia ,bersamamu .tidak perlu siapapun atau apapun ,asal bersamamu ,aku yakin aku bisa menelusuri kehidupanku dengan pasti dan terarah..
Aku sudah mencintaimu ,sejak saat pertama kamu datang di kehidupanku
Terimakasih untuk cinta yang sempurna ini ,aku merindukanmu :)
Selasa, 23 April 2013
Second time in your city
Had wonderful weekend on 18april till 22april ,i've meet up my boy friend .
As you know we're on long distance relationship ,so i went to surabaya in the morning by plane and touching down to his home there ..
First time i saw his face ,the missing-able face ever ,i really want to hug and giving billion kisses to him ..
For few days ,i slept with him ,hanging out arround surabaya ,holding hand each other ,watching horror movie ,going to the cinema ,romantic dinner ,culinary ,take some photos ,shopping and spread love together !
This is my second time here ,different with the last time ,now i more knew about anything here .the way ,the building ,the route ,i felt ive been for a long time here ..
The best part ever is ,the time we've passed together in ur room ,the music playing outloud and we were talking so much topics ,ate spicy cilok ,my favorite snack ,and chocolate balls ,our favorite too :)
You give me anything what i want :)
When i said i want some pizzas ,you just said yes ,and take me to the pizza hut for our lunch ,when i said i really want sushi ,you take me to the surabaya town square and buy some sushi for me ..
You just my favorite man ever ,i swear never had someone like you !
Aniway ,on 19 april ,you birthday isnt ?so im with his friends make some ideas for bully-ing him ..hihi so on saturday ,his friends came to his house and "surprise" ..hahaha they tie him with the string on the tree and throwing eggs ,flour ,powder ,coffe ,and anything with badly smell to his body .hahahahhaha he so ugly now !!!
Happy birthday to you ,my billion part-partner ..just wishing the best for anything that you'll doing ..
Thankyou for yogi ayodhya ,who take me to the cakes store ,and call all of his friends to come home ..
Thankyou too for kak bayu ,aeland ,nano ,radit ,gita fanda ,indra glogor ,and everyone who came and join with us !
U all rock guys :) thankyou :)
Any thankyou for mbak jas ,who caring me like a mother there .and enjoy the pie and peanuts from me :) i hope so mbak jas ..
I was happy there ,its like found new life there .actually with you ,my deeply happinnes ever :)
And the time grow fast ,the last time we meet ,you hug me ,kiss me ,hold me and promises me that we will meet up soon ,that you'll going to bali and meet me next time ..
So the taxi picking me up to the airport ,and the last time i saw his sad face .not like the face when the first time im arrived there ..
Thankyou for five days darling ,seeyou next time :) good luck for your exam this week ..
Ps : im crying offer the plane till im touching down bali :( feel the pain ..
Loveyou yoshi
As you know we're on long distance relationship ,so i went to surabaya in the morning by plane and touching down to his home there ..
First time i saw his face ,the missing-able face ever ,i really want to hug and giving billion kisses to him ..
For few days ,i slept with him ,hanging out arround surabaya ,holding hand each other ,watching horror movie ,going to the cinema ,romantic dinner ,culinary ,take some photos ,shopping and spread love together !
This is my second time here ,different with the last time ,now i more knew about anything here .the way ,the building ,the route ,i felt ive been for a long time here ..
The best part ever is ,the time we've passed together in ur room ,the music playing outloud and we were talking so much topics ,ate spicy cilok ,my favorite snack ,and chocolate balls ,our favorite too :)
You give me anything what i want :)
When i said i want some pizzas ,you just said yes ,and take me to the pizza hut for our lunch ,when i said i really want sushi ,you take me to the surabaya town square and buy some sushi for me ..
You just my favorite man ever ,i swear never had someone like you !
Aniway ,on 19 april ,you birthday isnt ?so im with his friends make some ideas for bully-ing him ..hihi so on saturday ,his friends came to his house and "surprise" ..hahaha they tie him with the string on the tree and throwing eggs ,flour ,powder ,coffe ,and anything with badly smell to his body .hahahahhaha he so ugly now !!!
Happy birthday to you ,my billion part-partner ..just wishing the best for anything that you'll doing ..
Thankyou for yogi ayodhya ,who take me to the cakes store ,and call all of his friends to come home ..
Thankyou too for kak bayu ,aeland ,nano ,radit ,gita fanda ,indra glogor ,and everyone who came and join with us !
U all rock guys :) thankyou :)
Any thankyou for mbak jas ,who caring me like a mother there .and enjoy the pie and peanuts from me :) i hope so mbak jas ..
I was happy there ,its like found new life there .actually with you ,my deeply happinnes ever :)
And the time grow fast ,the last time we meet ,you hug me ,kiss me ,hold me and promises me that we will meet up soon ,that you'll going to bali and meet me next time ..
So the taxi picking me up to the airport ,and the last time i saw his sad face .not like the face when the first time im arrived there ..
Thankyou for five days darling ,seeyou next time :) good luck for your exam this week ..
Ps : im crying offer the plane till im touching down bali :( feel the pain ..
Loveyou yoshi
Senin, 15 April 2013
Dear who ever had their fake mask
Stop talking like you're anything and know everything ,girls!
You know,how dissapointed i am when i tried to care but all of you think about my negative-part only!
What a unfair ?
So do i make a part between us not because im forget about anything we've passed togehter ,but i swear i felt useless been long time with or without you :)
Thankyou for help and every single time together ,thankyou for "invited" me just when you dont know where're you going for hang out ,and thankyou for your-all-fake smile i dont know ..
Aniway ,thankyou for grey-friend-or-enemy i really dont know
But ,you must know something important ,that not every person with her bad face will always bad ,and not every person with minus attitude will stabing from behind..
And the most true thing ,im never talk about ur-all negative side :)
Never do that!
Noted :)
So ..lets think about our own self ,dont hurt me like you are everything cause now you all are nothing ..thankyou!
You know,how dissapointed i am when i tried to care but all of you think about my negative-part only!
What a unfair ?
So do i make a part between us not because im forget about anything we've passed togehter ,but i swear i felt useless been long time with or without you :)
Thankyou for help and every single time together ,thankyou for "invited" me just when you dont know where're you going for hang out ,and thankyou for your-all-fake smile i dont know ..
Aniway ,thankyou for grey-friend-or-enemy i really dont know
But ,you must know something important ,that not every person with her bad face will always bad ,and not every person with minus attitude will stabing from behind..
And the most true thing ,im never talk about ur-all negative side :)
Never do that!
Noted :)
So ..lets think about our own self ,dont hurt me like you are everything cause now you all are nothing ..thankyou!
Jumat, 05 April 2013
menjalani hidup tidaklah pernah luput dari kesalahan ,karena kesalahanlah yang akan mengajarkan bahwa kesalahan itu seharusnya tidak dilakukan .dan dengan itu benar itu menjadi pembandingnya ..
Memaafkan kesalahan dan kemudian memberi kesempatan untuk berbuat yang lebih baik menurut saya sudahlah teramat cukup untuk seseorang yang telah melakukan kesalahan ..
Orang yang telah berbuat salah ,tidak selalu harus dikucilkan ,mereka berhak mendapatkan yang terbaik untuk mereka dengan perhitungan bahwa mereka telah berubah menjadi lebih baik terlebih dahulu ..
"janganlah melihat seseorang dari seberapa banyak dia melakukan kesalahan ,tapi lihatlah seberapa sering usahanya memperbaiki dan belajar dari kesalahannya"
Memaafkan kesalahan dan kemudian memberi kesempatan untuk berbuat yang lebih baik menurut saya sudahlah teramat cukup untuk seseorang yang telah melakukan kesalahan ..
Orang yang telah berbuat salah ,tidak selalu harus dikucilkan ,mereka berhak mendapatkan yang terbaik untuk mereka dengan perhitungan bahwa mereka telah berubah menjadi lebih baik terlebih dahulu ..
"janganlah melihat seseorang dari seberapa banyak dia melakukan kesalahan ,tapi lihatlah seberapa sering usahanya memperbaiki dan belajar dari kesalahannya"
Bicaralah seolah-olah anda mengenal saya lebih dari setengah abad ,bicaralah seperti anda tahu segalanya tentang saya ,bicaralah kepada semua orang bahwa apapun yang anda katakan tentang saya adalah benar adanya ,dan bicaralah bahwa anda tahu begitu banyak hal tentang saya ..
Sementara itu ,saya akan berdiam ditempat lain mengamati ,apa yang akan terjadi ..
Yang pada kenyataannya saya sendiri pun belum begitu lama mengenal anda ..
Bicaralah ..jika memang anda begitu memerlukannya :)
Sementara itu ,saya akan berdiam ditempat lain mengamati ,apa yang akan terjadi ..
Yang pada kenyataannya saya sendiri pun belum begitu lama mengenal anda ..
Bicaralah ..jika memang anda begitu memerlukannya :)
Rabu, 03 April 2013
Some captured texts of us :) we're really fall a part ..that doesnt matter :*
we still love each other ,more love !smooching you !
we still love each other ,more love !smooching you !
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