Rabu, 22 Mei 2013


Had a lucky chance this may so i can joined with my sister's friends to the Rafting Area in Petang,Badung,Bali
Trust me this is my first time for Rafting, so im very excited then said "hurry up sir. To the instructure :)
This is the photos we've taked

thankyou so much BAHAMA RAFTING :) only pay for 135K and i got new experience here ,include lunch and 50K for candid photos while rafting ..
feel free to ask more below :)

Long Distance Dating

meet my long distance partner again, he's back home this weekend. this is very old post..
shortly holiday so we're enjoying every single times together and going to the great place ever in KINTAMANI, BALI.
outdoor trip with my best partner of life hihi so much smooch we've shared after this..
so enjoy the pictures :*

here we go ! TOYA BUNGKAH HOT SPRING :) only 50K you can get the most beautiful view ever here while you swimming ..
so if the eagle right, you look like swimming in the lake LOL
this pictures taken by ourself, anyway 50K include drinks, lockers, and fragrant towel and dont forget free shampo so you can wash your hair cleanly :)
enjoy the pictures guys!

this is the free towel, we get the same colour..how cute us :)

swim like a boss, with lake view ..ignore my body btw !

this is yoshi and his FREE TOWEL (lol)

on our way home, get the great crowded and tiredly enough to lying on him while he was driving the car..
such a sweet boyfriend ever :)

feel free to ask more info about this place in coments space :)


My extraordinary day :)
Playing outdoor with my bestfriend ..
Still with my weird style, whos care? Its outdoors time right?
So much loves for everyone who taken this photos smooch smooch

going to the strawberry garden in BEDUGUL, BALI.
pay 35K for a basket of fresh strawberry from farm.
pick up by your self, running in to the biggest yard and feel the fresh air :)
idk my favorite place is the place with green everywhere and fresh air everywhere :)
FYI, strawberries that you've picked up can you take away home ..
feel free for more info about location or anything here, coments below ..

setiap diskusi yang entah kenapa berujung pertengkaran adalah karena aku yang sedang serius bercerita dan sangat mudah tersinggung dengan perkataannya yang kadang tidak tahu waktu untuk mencela dan menyindir..
jadi pelajaran kedepannya untuk tidak berdiskusi masalah penting lainnya dengan orang yang tidak cocok untuk diajak berunding .yang aku minta pendapat, bukan celaan yang menjatuhkan, apalagi yang akhirnya aku tahu dibahas bersama teman-temannya, terasa tidak ada privasinya..
pendengar yang baik belum tentu teman diskusi yang baik juga ..sekian

Senin, 06 Mei 2013

My first day in your room :)
Lying on the bed while music playing on repeat :)

While you kiss me ,hug me ,and said "love you" near my ears ,its like times were stop and stuck. Its feel comfortly enough when im with you :)
This is i dont know-how many times im in love with you ,and never bored to wrote on my blog ,here :)
This pict we've taken when our last time in surabaya ,that day i cried out lout and you was so panic dont know how to stop my sad feeling .
Any sweet words and promises that we will meet soon out from your lips but thats all didnt stop my tears ..
So you hug me and give me kisses properly on my face ,then i calm down ..
I missyou ,i miss all the way you treat me sometimes like a kid ,or maybe like a thief ..so do i've loved you again and again..
When i was uploaded this pict on my instagram, every people said "envy" with us ,and i would so angry for that words ,cause you're so fucking easy said "envy" just like we're in an easy relationship ?its all wrong !letting long distance relationship doesnt easy and simple as you all see on this picture :) its all more complicated and so many tears for this part .but i trust to yoshi ,that he shall be a good person and a good partner for this shit :)
Hihi :)